About Us
Yachad's mission is to bring communities together by preserving affordable homes and revitalizing neighborhoods throughout the District of Columbia and the greater metropolitan area. Yachad means “together” in Hebrew, and that is how we do our work through partnerships with homeowners, houses of worship, nonprofits, and other community stakeholders. We mobilize skilled and unskilled volunteers, invest financial resources, and, through our work together, transform people and properties. Our mission is rooted in the Jewish commitment to seek justice by engaging in acts of loving kindness. We welcome people of all faiths to share in our work to keep our communities diverse and vital.
Good Health Starts at Home:
Virtual Visits Help Yachad Diagnose
Home Repairs to Combat Asthma
Learn more about our innovative work with Children's National bridging home remediation and asthma care. This life-saving work is supported by Fannie Mae's Sustainable Communities Initiative.